Tools4CAP, which stands for Innovative Toolbox empowering effective CAP governance towards EU ambitions, is a new Coordination and Support Action in Horizon Europe running between 2023-2026, and it aims to support the design and monitoring of the national Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) Strategic Plans (SPs) 2023-2027 and lay the foundations for a sound preparation of Post-2027 Strategic Plans through a bottom-up adaptation of innovative methods and tools.
The project is coordinated by Ecorys, and the consortium is formed by 20 partners. MIND STEP coordinator (WR) and AEIDL - European Association for Innovation in Local Development keep each other informed about their project updates and future synergies, especially regarding the use and promotion of the MIND STEP model toolbox, which is a crucial result of the MIND STEP project.
The first Tools4CAP Info Session will be held on 26 June 2023, and this event marks an important milestone in the launching phase of our project, as Tools4CAP extends its outreach beyond the consortium and invite external actors to participate actively. Check the agenda and join this session here!