Modelling Individual Decisions to Support
the European Policies Related to Agriculture


Public deliverables submitted to the EC:

D1.1 -  Key policy questions for ex‐ante Impact Assessment of EU Agricultural and Rural Policies
D1.2 - Indicator framework for measuring the impact of policies/global drivers on IDM units in agriculture
D1.3 - Report on the major gaps of the existing models in terms of policy/global driver coverage
D2.1 - Summary of required data from WP 3/4/5
D2.2 - A guide/handbook to build an interface for accessing the data in the project
D2.3 - Common processing plan
D2.4 - Prototype for Interfaces for economic databases (2.4) /bio-physical databases (2.5)/large scale data (2.5)/current models (2.6)

D2.5 - Final version of Interfaces for economic databases (2.4)/bio-physical databases (2.5)/large scale data(2.5)/current models  (2.6)  -submitted soon to be uploaded
D2.6 - Literature review of methods for linking economic and biophysical data bases
D2.7 - Database for linking economic and bio-physical data -submitted soon to be uploaded
D2.8 - Common handbook for maintenance and continuation of interfaces for economic and biophysical data handling for farm modelling at IDM unit levels -submitted soon to be uploaded
D3.1 - Report on specification of tool requirements

D3.2 - An overarching IDM model structure Interfaces within the MIND STEP model toolbox

D3.3 Report on modelling greenhouse gas emission including adoption behaviour of farmers regarding mitigation strategies and interfaces to the MIND STEP model toolbox

D3.4  - Report on modelling crop management practices and interfaces to the MIND STEP model toolbox
D4.1 - Report on protocol to link the new tools to IDMs and current large scale models

D4.2 - Report on modelling structural change and farm interaction on land markets and interfaces with the MIND STEP model toolbox

D4.3 - Report on extensions of FarmAgriPoliS and CoESM - experimental insights on farmers' response to Agri-Environmental Schemes

D5.1 - Final report on the concept of the MIND STEP model toolbox

D5.2 - Report on improvements to the current EU and global models

D6.1 - Report on options for quality management, validation requirements & suitability of validation tools

D6.3- Report on stakeholder workshop on transferability, usability and functionality of the toolbox

D6.4 - Policy Evaluation
D7.1 - Prototype of a wrapper to allow a standardized communication channel between the model-submitted soon to be uploaded

D7.2 - Beta version of a wrapper to allow a standardized communication channel between the models
D7.3 - List of data storage and data processing capacities required by partners WP2-6
D7.4 - Access to a computer cluster including a the appropriate management software

D7.5 - Setup of the version control system and the continuous integration tool
D7.6 - Prototype of the data services and download services
D7.7 Release of the data services and download services - submitted soon to be uploaded
D8.1 - Communication, Dissemination and Impact Strategy and Plan
D8.2 - MIND STEP Platform
D8.3 - Interim report on communication, dissemination & and impact of project activities

D8.4 -  MIND STEP Draft Exploitation Strategy Plan

D8.5 - Interim report 2 on communication, dissemination and impact of project activities

                                                  SUMMARIES OF PUBLIC DELIVERABLES

D1.1 Summary- Key policy questions for ex-ante Impact Assessment of EU Agricultural and Rural Policies

D1.2 Indicator framework for measuring the impact of policies/global drivers on IDM units in agriculture

D.1.3 Summary- Conceptual FRamework fo the MIND STEP Project

D2.5 Summary - 2.5 Final version of interfaces for economic databases

D2.8 Common handbook for maintenance and continuation of interfaces for economic and biophysical data handling for farm modelling at idm unit levels

D3.2 Development of a Modular and Customisable Suit of Models Focussing on the Idm Farming Unit

D3.3 Summary Report on modelling greenhouse gas emission including adoption behaviour of farmers regarding mitigation strategies and interfaces to the MIND STEP model toolbox

D3.4 Summary - Report on Modelling Crop Management Practices and Implementation in Mind Step Model Toolbox

D3.5 Report on modelling risk management and interfaces to the MIND STEP model toolbox

D4.2 Summary- Report on Modelling Structural Change and Farm Interaction on Land Markets and Interfaces With the Mind Step Model Toolbox

D4.3 Summary - Experimental findings on willingness to participate in agri-environmental schemes

D4.4 Summary -Develop and implement a model of the supply chain mechanisms and the bargaining position of farmers along the chain

D4.5 Report on Integration of Complex IDMS in ABMS and Interfaces with the MIND STEP Model Toolbox

D5.2 Report on improvements to the current EU and global models

D5.3 Report On Downscaling Of Current Eu And Global Model

D6.1. Summary- Report on Options for Quality Management, Validation Requirements & Suitability of Validation Tools

D6.2 Summary- Report on the validation of the MIND STEP toolbox and the proof of concept (EN)

D6.2 Summary_Report on the validation of the MIND STEP toolbox and the proof of concept (DE)

D6.3 Summary- Stakeholder workshop on transferability, usability and functionality of the MIND STEP toolbox (DE)

D6.3 Summary- Stakeholder workshop on transferability, usability and functionality of the MIND STEP toolbox (EN)

D6.4 Policy Evaluation

D7.2 Designing a wrapper Function to allow a standardized communication channel between the models 

D7.3 Summary- List of Data Storage and Processing Capacities Required by Partners

D7.5 Summary - Setup of the version control system and the continuous integration tool

D7.6  Summary- Prototype of the Data Services and Download Services

D7.7 Summary - Data services and download services



Public deliverables can be downloaded here once approved by the EC.

The MIND STEP Final Conference took place in Brussels on the 26th of October 2023.

Check out this video which showcases the major achievements and communication activities of the project from 2021 to 2022, and outlines the key actions that will be taken until the project concludes in December 2023.

Useful links

European Commission The European Commission website
DG AGRI Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development
  EU Agri-Food Data Portal
DG CLIMA Directorate General for Climate Action
EIP Agri The agricultural European Innovation Partnership
EU FaST FaST digital service platform for sustainable farming
Horizon2020 EU Research and Innovation programme (2014 to 2020)
SmartProtect  SmartProtect Platform
EC EC Competence Centre on Modelling
MIDAS Modelling Inventory and Knowledge Management System of the European Commission
Agrimodels cluster formed by the RUR-04-2018 projects: AGRICORE, BESTMAP, MIND STEP
              BESTMAP Behavioural, Ecological and Socio-economic Tools for Modelling Agricultural Policy – Cordis page
              AGRICORE Agent-based support tool for the development of agriculture policies – Cordis factsheet
SUPREMA SUpport for Policy RElevant Modelling of Agriculture - Cordis factsheet
SURE-Farm Towards SUstainable and REsilient EU FARMing systems - Cordis factsheet
SUSFANS Metrics, Models and Foresight for European SUStainable Food And Nutrition Security - Cordis factsheet
SIM4NEXUS Sustainable Integrated Management FOR the NEXUS of waterland-food-energy-climate for a resource-efficient Europe - Cordis factsheet
AgriPoliS2020 improving the sustainability of the agent-based modelling software
Biomonitor Monitoring the Bioeconomy - Cordis factsheet
CONSOLE H2020 RIA project CONtract Solutions for Effective and lasting delivery of agri-environmental-climate public goods by EU agriculture and forestry - CORDIS factsheet
Contracts 2.0 H2020 RIA project Co-design of novel contract models for innovative agri-environmental-climate measures and for valorisation of environmental public goods - CORDIS factsheet
EFFECT H2020 RIA project Environmental public goods From Farming through Effective Contract Targeting - CORDIS factsheet
LandSense A Citizen Observatory and Innovation Marketplace for Land Use and Land Cover Monitoring - Cordis factsheet
FLINT Farm level indicators for new topics in policy evaluation; FP7; grant 613800 - Cordis factsheet
LIFT Low-Input Farming and Territories - Integrating knowledge for improving ecosystem-based farming - Cordis factsheet
NIVE New IACS Vision In Action - Cordis factsheet
UNISECO Understanding and improving the sustainability of agro-ecological farming systems in the EU - Cordis factsheet
PEGASUS Phosphorus efficiency in Gallus gallus and Sus scrofa: Bridging the gaps in the phosphorus value chain -  ERA-NET SUSAN - H2020; 2017-2019
iMAP model platform Integrated Modelling Platform for Agro-economic Commodity and Policy Analysis
MACSUR A detailed climate change risk assessment for European agriculture and food security
AgMIP The Agricultural Model Intercomparison and Improvement Project
Pacioli Network A series of international workshops for innovations in micro-economic databases in agriculture. FADN coordinators, experts and researchers attend this workshop to discuss new developments in data collection, data requirements and research on farm level data sets. The workshop provides a source of inspiration for their day- to-day work and gives the opportunity to establish contacts in and outside the European Union. 

More useful links will be added as the project progresses.