Modelling Individual Decisions to Support
the European Policies Related to Agriculture

Deliverable D2.3 - Common processing plan

Prepared in collaboration with projects in the AGRIMODEL Cluster this deliverable summarises the two workshops organised within the AGRIMODELS cluster (, that organises the three RUR-04 projects, discussing the possibilities and difficulties of a common data processing plan.

On the agenda were among others i) data management plan already developed ii) how to support reproducibility and transparency of the data and how to make the work public accessible, enables easy review, reanalysis, replication and reuse e.g. regarding use of FADN data iii) explore the possibility to setup a tool for continuous integration iv) possible ethical requirements and v) plans for data sharing and publication. It is concluded that the exchange of individual farm data, either from European or national FADN, will not be possible due to data protection regulations. Common data processing is therefore restricted to publicly available data, research findings at sufficiently highly aggregated levels, and scenario narratives, possibly including a common baseline. The exchange of data processing methods and utilities will be possible, provided that the developed utilities can accommodate a sufficiently wide range of datasets. Furthermore, joint dissemination and publication activities were launched and will be continued for the remainders of the project.

This deliverable will be accessible once approved by the European Commission.