To determine version control system (VCS) and continuous integration (CI) requirements, MIND STEP partners were polled by means of a questionnaire. The outcome showed a predominant use of Subversion as a VCS and Windows as a processing platform. The results and options were summarized in a concept note, and after discussion it was decided that IIASA provide a Subversion server for VCS and a Jenkins server for CI. Both servers are now available for MIND STEP use. GitLab was discussed as an additional option that would provide Git repository hosting for VCS, and an alternative CI workflow with rich development collaboration features. Motivated by the MIND STEP requirements, the IIASA ICT department also set up a GitLab server with account registration open to MIND STEP partners
MIND STEP Deliverable 7.5 is publically available!
Deliverable 7.5: Set-up of the version control system and the continouos integration tool is available