Modelling Individual Decisions to Support
the European Policies Related to Agriculture

MIND STEP H2020 project: Modelling Individual Decisions to Support the European Policies related to Agriculture

Dear Reader,

We are very pleased to inform you that we have just released the 1st issue of the MIND STEP Project Newsletter.

You may access and browse or download the PDF version here.

Here are some highlights what you can find in this issue:

What MIND STEP is all about?

MIND STEP is an EC funded 4-year Horizon 2020 research and innovation action aiming to improve exploitation of available agricultural and biophysical data and will include the individual decision making (IDM) unit in policy models.

From this issue of our newsletter you can get to know:

What are the latest developments in our project?

  • The generic slowdown caused by the COVID-19 pandemic also affects MIND STEP. Learn more about how our partners work to keep focus on project implementation.

What are the latest deliverables in MIND STEP?

  • The first deliverables, including reports on data storage and data processing capacities, on communication and dissemination, and on the MIND STEP Platform were submitted to the EC.

Where and how are we networking?

  • Read more how we cooperate with our fellow projects AGRICORE and BESTMAP funded within the same Work Programme Topic RUR-04-2018-2019 and have established the AGRI-MODELS CLUSTER.
  • We also cooperate with the SUPREMA H2020 project.

What are the upcoming international events where you can meet us?

  • There are several events on our list, e.g. the 9th AIEAA Conference or the XVI Congress of the European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE).

Continue reading the PDF version here.

We hope you will enjoy delving into the latest info about our project. Thank you for reading!

The MIND STEP project team


Your active engagement is important to ensure that MIND STEP is developing a toolbox tailored to the research and policy questions identified in collaboration with the main stakeholders.


  • Participate in stakeholder workshops
  • Contribute to our virtual co-creation online community

For more news, you can also follow us on

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Disclaimer & Legal Notice

European Commission This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 817566.
This newsletter reflects only the authors' view and that the European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

MINDSTEP project Copyright © 2020 MINDSTEP H2020 Project, all rights reserved